Clinical ... Helping patients find personalized solutions to treat pain
Innovations ... Developing tools for patient engagement, clinical safety, efficacy, policy, and patient outcomes

Clinical Evaluations and
Telehealth Consultations
Dr David Glick is dedicated to enhancing diagnosis of treatment of patients with complex or chronic musculoskeletal pain problems, especially those related to the spin (neck and back) as well as the peripheral nervous system. Typical patients are those suffering from neck and or back pain, with or without extremity involvement. Consultations are arguably among the most thorough, and include emphasis on educating patients as to their problem(s) and recommending highly patient centered treatment options to offer patients a path to help treat their pain effectively. Patients include those with post-operative low back pain, or those seeking non-surgical options, especially for patients who have failed other attempts of conservative and surgical treatment. The key is to provide the greatest details to a highly patient centered approach.

Patient Engagement and Education
HealthQ2 has pioneered strategies and tools for improving patient and healthcare professional engagement. The signature platform utilizes multiples levels of adult learning theory to enhance the information exchange between patients and prescribers, as well as pharma and prescribers. Essentially, armed with greater knowledge and understanding, patients can play a more important role in when it comes to improving safety, efficacy an clinical outcomes relating to their healthcare.

Technology and Platform Development
Just as the military relies upon red cell consulting to enhance strategic planning and intelligence by identifying vulnerabilities of military planning, HealthQ2 applies the same thought process to healthcare platforms, including the application and development of medical and related devices or therapeutics. With the added value of understanding provider and patient engagement strategies, HealthQ2 can help enhance marketing and development of medical devices and other therapeutics.

Low Back Pain
Low back pain (LBP) seems as prevalent as the common cold. Even evolving technology has been unable to offer treatment for this apparently “simple” condition. LBP is still problematic for the patient and a costly burden to the healthcare system. The purpose of this discussion is to elucidate the rationale behind LBP’s treatment problem and offer clinical pearls to improve treatment. Given that most of the tools needed to reduce the clinical impact of LBP are available, the question is, “How do we apply them?”
Read the entire Pain Week Journal Article. PAINWeek Journal Vol 8, Q1 | 2020
MSK Pain: Time for an Enhanced Assessment Model
Too much imaging: the author proposes a change in musculoskeletal diagnostics and care, using back pain as an example.
Rather than spending time and expense on imaging and sometimes unnecessary surgical interventions, time may be better spent on obtaining an adequate patient history and problem-focused examination. When asking a patient about his or her pain, do not accept “My MRI showed XYZ.” Instead, ask for details about their pain and how it affects them, not the name it was given. While providers may have to tweak their standard assessment practice one patient at a time, this approach may very well provide a path for improving clinical outcomes while also decreasing the cost of care.
Read the Entire Practical Pain Management article 15 in Volume 19, Issue #3
Unraveling the Complexities of Back Pain Through More Specific Examination and Diagnosis
Acknowledging that back pain is the symptom, not the disease is the first step toward realizing that many patients suffer from chronic back pain because of the clinician’s failure to diagnose the underlying cause of their pain. Given the diversity of treatment options among the disciplines, it is highly likely that by working together we will be able to arrive at a more specific diagnosis of underlying pain generators. If we succeed, we will be able to treat many more patients more effectively.
Read the entire Pain Practitioner article
The Right Approach to Diagnosis Back Pain.
The most important tools for making the differential diagnosis of back pain are a careful history, the clinical examination, and the experience of the clinician
Differential Diagnosis of Back Pain will give clinicians the tools to help them diagnose the causes of back pain, and then teach them how to tailor the treatment to that patient in more of a patient-centered approach so that they increase the likelihood of a successful outcome for treating that problem. All too often, clinicians treat back pain like a condition, when it should be viewed as a symptom. They then provide a generic treatment or protocol which may or may not be right for that particular patient’s case. The result can be a less than stellar outcome, or even clinical failure. All pain is not caused by disc herniations or ‘pinched nerves, and there is no single treatment to address back pain. Failure to adequately diagnose and treat back pain can often result in chronic back pain.
Read the entire PainWeek News Interview

Dr David Glick DC
Medical Dir/CEO
Dr Glick has specialized in the evaluation of chronic and complex pain pathologies for over 30 years. He is a well-received speaker focusing on educating others to improve differential diagnosis and clinical management of neuropathic and musculoskeletal pain syndromes. He has served on the Board of Directors for the American Society of Pain Educators and has been faculty at PAINWeek since its inception. Dr Glick was recognized for his dedication as the 2009 recipient of the Richard Weiner Pain Educator of the Year award.
" I have never had an examination like that, even though I have been treated for pain by many other doctors over the past 10 years. Even better, I have my life back"
R.L. Richmond VA
"My wife and I really appreciated the amount of time he (Dr Glick) took to explain what he thought was causing my pain and why the treatment he suggested was best. He was like Sherlock Holmes for pain."
S.C. Chesterfield VA
" I was skeptical that a telemedicine visit would help my back pain especially when surgery made it worse. My primary care doctor highly recommend Dr Glick. He spent over two hours with me online. Never spent that much time with any doctor. It was amazing how he explained everything and gave me a new game plan. Finally I had an answer. Wish I had started with Dr Glick to begin with, not too mention how much better I felt just knowing."
R.J. Houston TX
"Could not stand, sit, or even move. Lost track of how many other doctors I saw. Thought my life was over with no one believing my pain was real until Dr Glick diagnosed the problem. Dr Glick arranged for the surgery when I was first told there was nothing that can be done. When I awoke, I knew my nightmare was over. Finally, relief and my future."
J.D. Richmond VA
Back Pain- Doing Better with Differential Diagnosis
Reducing Dependence on Opioids
Pain Mechanisms and the importance for Treating Pain
Diagnosing &Treating Back Pain
Difficulty with Pain Diagnosis
Diagnostic Testing
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